PIM for Shopify Ecommerce

In a survey done by Forrester in 2019, 85% responded to ‘digital’ as ‘nice to have’. So why should Shopify store owners care about PIM?

The global pandemic exposed the gaps in creating truly seamless customer experiences. It forced an acceleration in customer behaviors that define today’s ecommerce. It forced a rejig of how we work, how we do our day-to-day shopping and finding new ways to get that information in the grasp of our mobile devices.


In the digital world competition is not traditional. It is not bound by location or language or currency.

If a customer experience is not met or the moment is lost, there’s an immediate switch to competition or a new marketplace altogether. The digital customer expects product information that is above & beyond traditional product information.

Whether you’re selling on one or multiple Shopify stores, or are a B2C pure play digital firm in the omnichannel space, or a small online business with amazing products to sell, investing in a Product Information Management (PIM) solution to deliver exceptional customer experiences powered by exceptional product content can make sure you don’t end up becoming your own biggest competitor.

You’ve heard the ecommerce statistics that say:

  • 80% of shoppers abandoned the cart because the product information was inaccurate, incomplete and not compelling enough
  • 50% returned items for the same reasons

How can PIM enable Shopify store owners be prepared for 2022?

More authentic content and faster content creation
Get more searchable, findable, engaging product content across more channels
More consistent content across channels while delivering personalized experiences
Product experiences that stand out
More syndication capabilities, more analytics for creativity in delivering personalized experiences
Leverage social media, chatbots and voice search

What are the benefits of PIM?

Get clean, accurate, and complete product data, turn it into customer-ready content that stands out & get it in front of your customers on your Shopify store.

Personalization, AI, chatbots and voice assistants will only work when your product data is very good
PIM tools help customers get rid of the mundane part of data management and focus on what creates maximum value i.e., improve customer experience
Nobody likes to spend hours & hours on spreadsheets
It can help retailers, manufacturers, distributors, B2B sellers and B2C brands master omnichannel ecommerce
It goes hand in glove with adjacent tools like DAM, MDM & Ecommerce platforms like Shopify, Magento & BigCommerce, creating a holistic approach to managing product content for ecommerce
PIM has transformation capabilities. It can help read messy data and convert it into an understandable format. Normalize, Map and Validate the data into products automatically.
PIM can be extremely beneficial for online sellers with more than one Shopify store. Managing multiple Shopify stores without a PIM tool can result in several costly and complex scenarios. A PIM to Shopify integration will enable businesses to syncs with all Shopify stores seamlessly, publish directly to multiple Shopify stores from PIM, and ensure that product catalogs are always up to date
A PIM tool can help Shopify customers stay ahead of their competition by going to market faster

Why choose StrikeTru?

Secure, Professional & Reliable Akeneo PIM Connector for Shopify   Get a 14-day risk free trial
We are well versed with complex data structures and are experts at unravelling them into clean and structured data
We believe small businesses can level the playing field by delivering customer experiences that are at par with today’s online giants. With that in mind, we designed our end-to-end PIM for Ecommerce solution.
We offer the complete package: Software hosting, DaaS, Customizations, Project Management, Discovery, Configuration, Migrations & Integrations, Implementation Accelerators & Tools

What can a PIM do? What will PIM look like on my Shopify Store?


Which PIM tool should I use?


Akeneo PIM Solutions

Leverage our versatile PIM implementation expertise with Akeneo. We help you create, manage & publish high quality content more efficiently.

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Syndigo (Riversand) PIM/MDM Solutions

Choose StikeTru™ as the Implementation Partner and empower your business. Our Proven expertise on the Syndigo (Riversand) PIM & MDM solutions are best of breed in the market.

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TruPIM is an end to end integrated solution to propel your online storefront at a fraction of the cost.

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